The White Terror



The White Terror was a period after the death of Robespierre during the Thermidorian Reaction.  It was particularly prevalent in areas which had suffered under the excesses of the terror and the Jacobins such as the south east of France.  Although undoubtedly some wanted a return to the “halcyon” days of the ancien regime most participants seemed to be acting out of revenge.

In some areas such as Paris aristocratic youths known as muscadins or gilded youth would parade the streets in outlandish dandyish garb with wide lapels most prominent was the large clubs they carried.  They would hunt down suspected Jacobins and sans culottes and using their cudgels, administer fierce beatings.   

In Brittany anti-Jacobin activities were on a far more organised and large scale.  These so called Chouans were hoping to bring back the monarchy and had been in operation before the fall of Robespierre.  What started off as guerrilla activities escalated into full blown revolt as thousands of Chouans assembled on the coast in anticipation of British troops, supplies and émigré allies landing.  A small émigré army landed but not the vast army to strike at Paris they were expecting.  Lazare Hoche the Republican general would crush the uprising and force the remainder to surrender.

Across France Jacobins would see their monuments to the various heroes including Marat be defaced and turn down. Jacobins were arrested across the nation breaking the back of their local club and the party’s infrastructure.  Sham trials (not to different to their earlier counterparts in the terror) were held and individuals were swiftly executed.  Many Jacobins would not be granted any form of trial and were murdered in the streets.  Prison massacres echoing those from September 1792 occurred in Marseilles and Tarascon.  The Jacobins would never be able to recover to their former prominence.