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The Tale of “King” Louis and the Siege of Dover

 If you have not been to Dover Castle. Dear god what is the matter with you? It is in the Premier League of Castles. Not just some fancy dan rich person’s home. No this is the real deal. Lots to see there relating not just to the Medieval time period but also Second World War tunnels and a Roman lighthouse.

For those who are interested in reading a little more you can by looking at these intriguing works.

Blog on the English Heritage website on the siege by Dr Charles Kightly

The Society for Medieval Military Society on the Siege of Dover

A partial English translation of Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre by Anonymous of Béthune

The Siege of Dover by Catherine Hanley in Medieval Warfare 2017

Hating John by Lane Sobehrad from Medieval Warfare 2017

The Battle of Lincoln by Sean McGlynn in Medieval Warfare 2017

Blood Cries Affair: The Forgotten Invasion of England 1216 by Sean McGlynn 2011

Lionheart and Lackland: King Richard, King John and the Wars of Conquest by Frank McLynn 2007

The failure of Magna Carta by Peter Konieczny in Medieval Warfare 2017

The Death of King John by James H. Morey in Shakespeare Quarterly 1994

The Treaty of Lambeth, 1217 by J. Beverley Smith in The English Historical Review 1979

The Lands of Hubert de Burgh by S. H. F. Johnston from The English Historical Review 1935